

2 Days Fundamental Ergonomics

Time:2016-10-08 06:22:56 From:Ergotechs

2 Days Fundamental Ergonomics
November 17 ~ 18, Guangzhou
About This Course
        This is 4th Ergonomic PDC training organized by EFC Ergotechs, which to assist those sites plan to launch ergonomic program with all required skills & knowledge and tools in handling site ergonomic program.
        After this training, you will have the competence on:
  • •  Understand how to manage site ergonomic program with industrial recognized practice
  • •  Understand how to evaluate site ergonomic risk factors with risk priority
  • •  Familiar with MSD (musculoskeletal disorder) related jobs, e.g. manual material handling, uncomfortable workstations and its evaluation methods
  • •  Know how to use kinds of tools to evaluate jobs with different ergonomic risk factors
  • •  Know how to manage site ergonomic engineering improvement project
  • •  Link ergonomic with 6-sigma and lean process for EE (ease and efficiency)
  • •  Familiar with basic skills and knowledge on ergonomic engineering design, e.g. workstation and workplace design
        This training will be leading by EFC Ergotechs Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE) together with industrial ergonomic sr. consultant to assist you:
  • •  Be your plant competent ergonomics professional
  • •  Be your plant ergonomic program campaign with all needed skills and knowledge handling ergonomic programs
     Day One
    Topics Outline
    Get Started
    Overview Course overview and introduction
    What is ergonomics & why we need ergonomics
    Ergonomic related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
    Human body anatomy and ergonomic
    Key elements of an ergonomic program
    Define MSD risk factors Recognize ergo problems through defining ergo MSD risk hazards and hazards identification
    Explain & illustrate MSD risk factors with example
    MSD risk factors identification
    Workshop & exercises
    Beyond the Basics
    Manual material handling (MMH) Principle for manual material handling
    Tool for assessing MMH
    Recommended weight limits calculation(NIOSH lift equation)
     Pull, push and carry equation
    Workshop & exercises
     Day Two
    Topics Outline
    Upper extremity & hand activity  Ergonomic principle for hand tool
    Repetitive hand job fatigue assessment and analysis
    Hand activity with ACGIH TLVs ACGIH
    Workshop & exercises
    More In Depth

    Plant ergonomic implementation
    Plant ergonomic systematics implementation process
    How to prioritize jobs ergo risk and implement with priority
    How to conduct qualitative & quantitative assessment
    Ergo assessment tools summary overview
     When and how to use different kinds of tools for different risks
    Ergonomic project management Ergonomic in design process vs. anthropometry introduction
     What's the criteria for judging sitting or standing workstation
     What's the design principle for engineering improvement
    Plant ergonomic management with lean manufacturing
    How to manage an ergo project with DMAIC process
     Ergo program and project effectiveness review
    Workshop & exercises
    Manage office ergonomic programs
    Define office ergonomic risk priority and implementation
    Office computer & laptop workstation ergonomic risk assessment
    Summary  Course overview and review 

About Trainer

Stephen Bao, PhD, CPE (Certified Professional Ergonomist) USA/ Canada
Managing Principal, EFC Ergotechs
        Stephen是环一人因技术业务的首席顾问,他在人因 工效学咨询与培训领域有着30多年的专业经验,他是国际上公认的人因工效学专家之一,他先后在美国 的各种工业企业从事人因工效学的管理工作,特别在人因工效学岗位评估,岗位人因工效学改进,人因 工效学项目管理和生产流程改进方面有着丰富的行业实践经验。他帮助过许多企事业单位改进作业条件 和生产效率,很多美国企业负责人因工效学的经理都是Stephen培训出来的学生。
        Stephen 拥有工业人因工效学博士学位,医疗硕士学位 ,机械工程学士学位,他是美国注册人因工效学专家,也是加拿大注册人因工效学专家,他在人因工效 学方面的主要专业活动包括:
  • •  他是早在1985年就向中国企业介绍人因工效学概念的专家
  • •  他是提出将人因工效学与精益生产结合的首要人员
  • •  他是国际上公认的岗位人因工效学评估和开发评估方法的专家
  • •  他是许多跨国公司合作人因工效学培训的首选顾问
  • •  他是GE中国所有工厂人因工效学培训唯一认可的培训顾问
  • •  他也是为GE开发人因工效学工程培训课程的顾问
  • •  美国华盛顿州劳工部人因工效学专家
  • •  美国华盛顿州劳工部人因工程实验室总监
  • •  英国人因工效学杂志的编辑【journal in ergonomics by Taylor & Francis, England】
  • •  美国圣马丁大学工程管理硕士生教授
  • •  中国/上海师范大学机械工程访问教授
  • •  瑞典 Atlas Copco 工具公司人因工程工程师
  • •  美国Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES)协会会员,自1987年
  • •  加拿大人因工效学协会会员,自1987年
  • •  美国注册人因工效学工程师,自2000年
  • •  加拿大注册人因工效学工程师,自2001年

Gary Tang
Managing Principal, EFC

        唐先生是环一公司EHS首席顾问之一,在EHS领域近20 年的专业营运和工厂管理实践经验,包括在机械重工,电子与半导体,油气与精细化工以及工程塑料等 行业的健康与安全管理实践。唐先生在工厂EHS风险评估,工程改造,合规性审核, 人因功效学实用管理 与评估以及全面的培训课程开发、设计和实施方面有着丰富的工厂经验,唐先生的专业技能包括工业卫 生暴露评估、化学品管理与应急、工程高风险作业风险管理,挂牌上锁,人因工效学风险评估与解决方 案、机械设备安全、事故调查等。唐先生曾经在亚太地区(日本、澳大利亚、新加坡、马来西亚、印度 、泰国和韩国)负责并领导过的EHS项目包括:
  • •  EHS合规性审核
  • •  工业卫生的暴露监测与评估
  • •  工厂全面的EHS风险评估与管理控制
  • •  噪声工程改进项目
  • •  机械安全评估与电气安全风险评估
  • •  加标锁定风险评估与现场实施
  • •  局部通风系统及噪声的暴露评估与工程方案
  • •  工厂人因工效学项目的风险管理与改善方案
  • •  为工厂设计并定制EHS培训矩阵和课程,课程开发及现场培训
  1. •  唐先生在GE塑料集团亚太区领导过70多个工厂人因工效学的评估与改进项目, 并负责在中国与亚洲工作推行Ergo-Cup工程改进项目,领导并指导工厂实施人因工效学Find it, Fix it 项目。
  2. •  唐先生先后为GE医疗日本所有工厂、阿斯利康、诺和诺德、卡福中国,恒天然 等公司提供过人因工效学的专业培训课程。

  • •  美国工业卫生协会会员/人因工效学委员会工作小组成员,自2007年
  • •  GE EHS 营运
         GE全球基金会项目, EHS中心/ISC, 高级EHS讲 师/营运总监
         SABIC-IP(GE塑料业务集团),亚太区健康安全经 理
         GE塑料业务集团,亚太区工业卫生/人因工效学 经理
  • •  默克化工,中国区EHS总监
  • •  汽巴精细化工,中国区工业卫生经理
  • •  中芯国际集成电路,工业卫生主管